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/vp/'s MS Paint Threads: The fifth Generation!

What are these Threads?

This is a project being held on /vp/ to draw every single Pokemon in existence, one per day. Everyone is welcome to make an entry and post it. When the next thread is made, I (MSP girl !!WOQn/wrrKz+) add all the drawings to a pretty collage.
For you newcomers, /vp/ has already covered every pokemon introduced before the Scarlet/Violet DLC. We will be covering every Pokemon again, including the pokemon from the Scarlet/Violet DLC starting 16 days after when they finally release

Who are you? Wasn't someone else doing this before?

Yes. MSP Guy !!5FVS7Ai6IW9 was doing this before I was. But he has said multiple times that the threads are not about him. Seeing as how they aren't about him, if he is suddenly gone then theoretically nothing should change.
Durring the last project on several days people lamented that the MSP threads would only be temporarily back. By doing this I can remedy these woes.

Sweet! Can I join in?

Sure! Just make a quick drawing and post it! Simple as that!

When do these thread happen?

Each thread starts at 10 AM Eastern Time, and ends when the next thread starts (which is, again, 10 AM Eastern). In other words, each thread goes on for 24 hours. Please do not bump an old thread when a new one has begun - the time limit is there so /vp/ isn't flooded with my threads.
As far as DST is concerned, the schedule does not change. It will remain 10 AM Eastern regardless of forward or backward clock movement. I will notify you before it happens.

How are the Pokemon selected?

Math.random() in java but they are selected from specific pools/votes depending on what day of the week it is.
On weekdays we select a Pokemon from the random pool.
Every saturday if there are any left we will draw a special pokemon, AKA special saturday. check this page for the exact list. If there are none left then a pokemon from the random pool. is selected instead.
The contributors can also vote for Pokemon to be drawn, which will then be drawn every Sunday. If you're curious how that works, and what pokemon can be voted for, read the Voting FAQ or check out the voting list!

Are there any rules?

Just a few common sense ones. Of course, all the rules of 4chan apply in the threads, but as for my project:
1. No pornography. If it's something a mod/janitor would delete, or something that would warrant the Mature Content Filter on DeviantArt, I will not accept it. If I do accept it, it will be heavily altered.
2. Your drawing must at least vaguely resemble the Pokemon of the day. So if today is, say, Bulbasaur, don't draw a Mewtwo and expect me to accept it. I do not mind small inaccuracies as a result of Hard Mode or rule 4.
3. Your contribution must be your own work. If a quick Google search or other posters tell me it's from elsewhere, it will not be accepted.
4. I will allow characters from other monster franchises (Digimon, Dragon Quest, Medabots, etc) as long as they are thematically close to the pokemon of the day. For example drawing a dog digimon on the day that the pokemon of today is a dog.

What if I'm late? I was busy!

I understand that people have other obligations, but the threads have to keep moving. If we stalled, it would take forever. If you're late, I can't promise you'll be in the final revision of the collage!

But wait! These drawings aren't done in paint!

it started with MS Paint because it's simple and easy to use. You can use any art program you want! I'm keeping the name for consistency.

This pokemon has multiple forms. Which one do I draw?

If a pokemon has multiple forms then you can choose to draw any form of it (or even multiple forms interacting in some way). This even applies to older pokemon that are being redrawn only because they have a new form (Wooper Tauros etc...), you can draw old forms if you wish. You can also choose to draw the shiny version of a pokemon.

When will this project be finished?

This is to be determined...

Will you cover Fakemons/Fakedex/Fangames/etc?

This project is currently for official Pokemon only. Don't expect any fan-made Pokemon.

I can't post images on 4chan! How will I send my contribution?

If you cannot post images, you can upload the image to an image hosting site of your choice (such as imgur) and post with that, but aside from that there's little I can do.

My entry looks a little different!

Sometimes I make slight changes when putting them in the collage, such as connecting line breaks. This is so it doesn't look messy from when I move the image onto it. I try to make as little change as possible.

My entry isn't in the collage!

This could be due to one of three reasons:
1. You didn't draw it.
2. It wasn't made before the deadline.
3. I am a derp and forgot it.
If you are in the third category, let me know in the next thread! There are a lot of images and it's sometimes hard to keep track of them all! I know I'm not perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. Don't be afraid to let me know what's going on!

Notice me, MSP-san!

I love you guys, but my threads are not about me. You get in, you draw Pokemon, and you talk/comment/laugh at others' contributions. We're (at least I'm not) not here for fame or glory (though admittedly some artists got their start in these threads!), so, really, don't mind me.

Any other questions, feel free to ask in the thread. I will update this page if necessary.

With that said, welcome to the project! For returning veterans, welcome back! Make your mark today!

SHA256 in case my trip gets hacked
